Stylist Training
Stylist Training
Ready to learn all the tricks of the trade?
Work with me 1:1 and learn how to start a personal styling business.
Far too many stylist trainings and stylist schools/programs are outdated (I know because I took most of them!) or they’re full of mindset fluff without enough substance.
Don’t get me wrong! Mindset is key in entrepreneurship… but a lot is left to the imagination after they teach you the mindset of a successful stylist. I get way too many emails and DMs from stylists asking me questions that their teacher or mentor simply can’t or won’t answer, which is unacceptable. It's time to be the consultant I wish I had!
By working 1:1 with me, you’ll learn:
how to get started with a styling business (or advance from newbie to pro)
tools of the trade (especially virtual!)
how to find clients
help a client find a signature style
how to determine body shapes
what to charge
how to create your services
how to style in person and how to style virtually
If you’re a serious go-getter, you could have yourself up and running in mere weeks depending on how many “ducks in a row” you require of yourself before getting started.
How much time should you dedicate? I advise 90 minutes weekly (1:1 time) for 6 weeks. But I am available to work at the pace you feel is comfortable and will give you the most success in your styling business.
Now is the time to go for it! Women are in the best position ever to catapult themselves into a dream styling career. Never has it been easier to set yourself up with a successful business that offers you the freedom to charge what you wish and to create a schedule you love?
If you’re looking for permission to try something new and exciting, seek a new career, or boost your current styling biz, THIS IS IT.
**Payment plan available, just email me at