They grow a little more and we become taxi drivers, the cook, the therapist, maybe we become a semi-decent spouse again but we’re still the housekeeper, the coach, the sideline cheerleader, we work, and so much more. And if all goes as planned we’re probably not wiping butts anymore.
But for such a long stretch of time, it’s easy to lose yourself. You're focused on their happiness, not yours!
It’s easy to put your personal style on the back burner.
Heck, we don’t even think twice to put hair washing on the back burner! So forget a sense of style, the easiest thing to grab is the yoga pants (that I didn’t actually use for yoga) or the comfy over-sized sweats. They were my favorite, to me they were like the giant hug I needed in order to make it through the day (second only to the other giant metaphorical hug we need to start the day, COFFEE).
At some point in early Motherhood, lots of us adopt a Mom uniform. Or at least I did! The uniform consisted of the same old sweats on rotation and the 2 pairs of yoga pants I would reserve for playing in our front yard in case the neighbors were out. Those pants were the go-to pairs for stroller walks throughout the neighborhood because that’s when real people might see me. Semi-clean black lounge pants were the best I could do. My dirty hair screamed “crazy lady” enough, old oversized sweats would have made it worse!
But we’re so hard on ourselves, I guess. I love what Leena says over here about yoga pants and the Mom uniform stereotypes,
"it isn’t because we aren’t stylish. It’s because we’re exhausted! We’re so busy dressing everyone else that by the time we reach ourselves, we’ve given up on making an effort."
Amen! I think I lost my sense of style the most in my boys’ toddler/preschool ages (those photos above that I am not in). Those were the days when they went to preschool only 3 times a week. Every. single. time I would wrestle my 2-year-old into clean clothes so he could attend the 3-hour preschool program I NEEDED them to go to so I could maintain some semblance of sanity!! It was a crazy phase he had for about 8 months. There was full-on wrestling while he was screaming and I was sweating. Just to get the kid to wear some fresh clean clothes!
So you bet I didn’t give a sh*%t what I was wearing when I got my 3-day-a-week, 3-hour break! And you Moms know how fast that “break” goes, right? After a long battle or two, you finally get the kids into their car seats and complete the drop-off. After a quick trip to the grocery store, put groceries away, throw in a load of laundry, clean up from breakfast, it’s time to go out and get them again.
So I didn't care at all how I looked. I cared the most about creating moments like this. God, I was proud of myself for making this moment! Edited to add: I pulled them over to the computer to share this photo and they're making gagging sounds and going "blechk"! Boys...