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“Dress for the job you want.”

Are you using personal style to your advantage? Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.

It’s an age-old sentiment but it rings true today more than ever. How you dress (your personal style) still matters in most professional work environments. Yes, I’ve seen how it’s acceptable to wear a hoodie to some offices and we all know the Mark Zuckerberg “uniform” by now (grey t-shirt, jeans, and Nikes on repeat). Therefore, it’s easy to forget that your image makes an impact but it does… in two key ways:

First, your personal style influences the way you are perceived and second,
it influences the way you perform.

Clothing influences perception, your own perception of your ability to perform (dressing to feel confident, dressing to boost your mood). And it influences the perception others will have of you as well (the impression they get through your style). This is the reason we choose a suit for a job interview over a pair of comfy sweats. This is why you’d feel better if your doctor is in a lab coat or professional attire rather than a hoodie.

Yes, research shows that the clothes you wear actually change the way you perform!

Dressing well doesn’t have to mean being fake or wearing things that make you uncomfortable, just be thoughtful in planning your style, be strategic in crafting a signature style.

YOU HAVE A VISUAL BRAND whether you know it or not. Your clothing sends a message about you, don’t you want to control that message? It’s time to end the cycle of a closet full of nothing to wear.

Need a style rescue asap?

Power In Personal Style

Who we are as human beings is more important than what we are wearing.  I don’t know anyone who would argue that.  

However, I wouldn’t call it superficial to put serious thought into your personal style, your image.  There is power in a signature style… one that matches who you are on the inside and propels you to where you want to go next.  We all know…

when you look good, you feel good.

Maybe, similar to me, you have a second career, maybe you’ve set goals for a promotion, you’re working on your personal brand, or perhaps you simply use style to elevate your mood. 

Whatever the reason, personal style starts on the inside; in your soul and your mind. 

The clothing is secondary.

I’ve talked to so many women about the “inside stuff” and I promise you…  there’s magic in the alignment of your internal self to the clothing that sits on the outside.  Stop the madness! End the cycle of a closet full of nothing to wear!

This is how I define personal style. Xo, JD

Personal style starts on the inside; in your soul and your mind. 

The clothing is secondary.
— Jaime Diehl, Personal Stylist